Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay 

dogs express an infinity of feelings and emotions through their bodies they constantly speak through their body language even if they are saying things we humans aren't quite able to register they do so with all parts of their bodies including or especially their ears and tail if we are unable to correctly interpret some of these signals it may confuse us when we see our dog chase their tail is it something positive or should we worry about it.

1.there are three general reasons why dog may bite their tail either they have a health problem they are engaged in play with puppies or they are exhibiting some behavior problems there are several health problems which can lead to a dog chasing and biting their tail parasites are the most frequent worms fleas and ticks in that area can drive a dog to distraction and they will try to buy their tail so that they can feel a little relief it may also occur if they have a wound on that area and they try to lick it as their rough tongue can aid repair it may also occur if their anal glands are not emptying naturally whatever the reason if a dog is consistently chasing and biting their tail and you know no cause take them to a vet for the appropriate diagnosis they can rule out any health problems or find the correct treatment if you have recently adopted a puppy the first thing we should say is congratulations.

2.secondly if you see a puppy chasing their tail you should know this is likely just a process of discovery as they investigate their body however they may also carry out this behavior if they are bored and have a lack of interaction with others if you have ruled out any health problem then you should stay calm as this is normal at this young age.

3.stress anxiety and boredom are all factors which can predispose a dog to behavioral problems as we have stated it is important to go to a veterinarian to rule out any underlying pathology if a vet confirms that the dog is healthy it may be time to go the behavioral specialists such as a canine educator dog trainer or ethologists after observing their behavior these professionals can offer guidance on how to relieve such issues some dogs carry out this behavior in a repetitive and constant manner without any obvious reason if this happens we may suspect the appearance of therapy this is a behavioral trait exhibited due to a mental issue similar to OCD in humans while you're waiting for a specialist visit we recommend not modifying your dog's routine often more walks spending time engaging physically and of course offering it plenty of love.