Image by birgl from Pixabay

 some if not a lot of the behavior we see in our dogs exhibited on walks can be confusing rolling around in the grass is just one of them understanding these behaviors postures and habits of our furry friends help us to improve communication and to strengthen our bond do you wonder why dogs roll around in the grass keep reading and we'll explain. of the main reasons dogs roll around in the grass is perhaps the simplest to understand they want to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors and experience the sensations of their environment just as we might they enjoy the feeling of fresh grass against their body and won't hesitate to have a roll around for a bits of fun if your dog rolls around after chasing you making noises and generally being excited don't out there playing games and want you to join in with the fun.

2.this behavior can happen all year round but is typical of summer they usually look for areas of cool wet grass in which to roll around this allows them to cool down aerate their coat and prevent heatstroke in this case it is a case of instinctive survival behavior if you see your dog doing this often ensure that they are getting enough clean fresh water as it is possible they are feeling dehydrated also ensure you're on top of their grooming so that their coat is clean and gets well aerated.

3.if your dog is well watered and hydrated yet constantly and seemingly impulsively engages in this practice it is recommended that you give your dog an inspection look at their skin for possible reddened areas as well as they fur for possible parasites a dog which wallows constantly or rolls around in the grass may be trying to scratch the itch caused by parasites and in turn relieve some of the company frustration in case of any abnormality we suggest going to the pets. is very common for dogs to wallow and roll anxiously after bathing it is usually due to the scent of shampoos and conditioners which dogs don't like in these cases they are rubbing themselves to remove the fragrance and get their natural small bath. unpleasant as it may seem this behavior is fairly common in puppies as they use it as a way to discover their environment however when an adult dog rubs themselves in feces and urine they are indicating a problem this problem may be physical but more likely than not it is psychological in these cases it is important to take them to a professional to get to the bottom of it and to help ensure such behavior does not become chronic.