Image by bednuts from Pixabay

summer is coming whether you are taking part in operation bikini body or simply want to turn down a little bit the weather provides a better environment for outdoor fun you can hike up hills or spend hours on beach this is the perfect time to start playing outdoor sports with our beloved dogs discover five sports you can play with your dog here at this article and start getting in shape with your furry friend today.

1.exercising with our dogs is a great way to not only get fit but to also improve our bond with them exercising can also challenge and channel stress and reduce weight for both Doug and person however there are some important considerations you need to keep in mind before you get started number one it should be a progressive process so it is advisable to start with short sessions and increase the duration incrementally number two avoid exercise right after your dog has eaten as this can lead to gastric torsion number three avoid intense exercise with puppies all dogs Milazzo dogs pregnant or sick dogs number four choose cool at times of the day to exercise such as sunrise or sunset this is done to avoid heatstroke especially if you live in hotter climates number five always look for safe exercise environments free of danger and preferably free of distraction so that you can relax and exercise in a positive way.

2.jogging and can across:

if you enjoy running and your dog seems to be into it too you can start jogging together you won't need a lot of equipment some good running shoes a leash and an appropriate place to run if you want to step up your game a little you can try can across this is cross-country running with your dogs and it uses special harnesses which can attach more than one dog to the runner the springing cord helps avoid injuries for both dog and owner.


if running isn't your thing you can still cross terrain with your dog except on two wheels rather than two feet this board does require training as you need to teach your dog the appropriate commands such as slow and let's go to start the ride you also need to get them used to the devices which are used to attach the dog to the bike it is important to know that this is not an exercise for overly reactive dogs if a dog gets distracted and loses concentration it can be incredibly dangerous for all involved.

4.canine agility:

although agility training can be seen as a sport exclusive to dogs this negates the energy spent by the trainer as it is performed this type of k9 sport is practiced in a closed field or area with several obstacles which the dog must overcome in a select manner we hope the dogs by guiding them we can find k9 agility clubs in practically any city in the world but it is also possible to do it at home if you find the right kind of equipment to be used as obstacles in any case k9 agility training is more advanced so it is something which can only be done after basic training has been effectively carried out.


taking your dog for swim either in the sea or in a pool is a great way to exercise all the muscles in a body and have a lot of fun at the same time to do this it is essential that your dog is properly accustomed to water if they do not like the water as some dogs don't then maybe this is not the sport for you and your pooch dogs with muscular problems dysplasia dislocations arthritis or other injuries may benefit from the water in a way they can't on land however we recommend that you check with a veterinarian before doing this as they may be able to provide some information on hydrotherapy which is a great way to prevent atrophy and maintain musculature.

6.hiking and trekking:

hiking with your dog can be both a relaxed and adventurous way to exercise in addition to getting you both in shape in a positive space a dog will really enjoy being outdoors and interacting with its environment and stimuli it is very important that you take breaks along the way and ensure that the distance is fair for the both of you.